Thursday, April 4, 2013

New projects, new pages

I have created a new blog page.

If you feel so inclined be stop by to get updated on my progress with the book and upcoming events.

Affirmations of a middle-aged loon

I've decided, during my down time between employment, that I will start writing again. I am contemplating opening up a Kickstarter campaign in order to crowd-fund my research and efforts.
I will be putting together a development plan and marketing strategy over the next few weeks in order to see if it would be a good use of time, or a waste.

Thanks for reading. Keep an eye out, because when I start writing my book, I'll be posting here as to the progress, thoughts, and generally using this blog as a small inspiration/warmup area before I begin each day.

Hope everyone is having a great week, and thanks again for reading!